Another review, this time of N.I.F.T.Y.'s 'T.H.E. O.N.E.S.' (glad I don't have to type that again for a while!).
Here are a few samples of what I had to say:
"T.H.E. O.N.E.S stands for “Through His Example, Our Numbers Enter Salvation” and it’s an intensely gospel-centered album. N.I.F.T.Y.’s content is encouraging, challenging and true to the word of God."
"N.I.F.T.Y. has an authoritative voice and presence on this record. His vocals hold the strange ability to evoke the sound of Hip Hop legends... he has a mainstream but credible and classic voice."
Anyway, check it out for yourself - this will be one that gets iPod rotations from me, that's if my iPod stops acting a fool.